
I am not quite sure what to do here

I think I decided to make this website as a way to explore what I am interested in

I sorta made it at a very quirky time of my life

I am certainly staring down an abyss of possibilities

This is a good way to get some ideas out there that I might not be able to get out in a casual conversation; people are busy, they don't have time for everything I have to say.

I will see where this takes me, if it takes me anywhere.

Have you, the reader, ever delved into early Christian history? I find it very interesting. If not, I recommend it.

I have always found high-contrast themes on any medium to be by far the most appealing. I have never quite understood how I came to that conclusion, though.

----I think that, in that sense, I am missing a lot of depth in design.

----This website certainly isn't quite for an audience though, so I'll keep to my preferences